Powerstock C.E.Aided Primary School (Alterations to Listed Building)

01 Sep 2023

Author Dolman


The original school building dated from 1848 and was founded by Thomas Sanctury, vicar of Powerstock. In 2011 an electrical fire severely damaged the original building which left little of the original building intact, despite all of this, the essentially new building is Grade II Listed.  (Our Architects and Surveyors designed and oversaw the repair / re-design project in 2011)

It is proposed to alter the existing classrooms by inserting a new stair between the ground and first floors to provide more teaching flexibility. The design has been carefully prepared to work with the existing building, with the new stair positioned between steel beams located in the floor (thanks to our archive information). An application for Listed Building Consent has recently been submitted to the local Planning Authority.