Extension, Refurbishment, Stables and Arena

Langley Burrell

A significant rear extension (matching the size of the original dwelling), together with alterations to the existing layouts to suit our Client’s Brief.

An existing agricultural building was converted into stables and a new riding area was provided. One of our Architects carried out the Planning designs and technical drawings, one of our Building Surveyor’s wrote the Specification of Works and the construction work was tendered.

Client oversaw the project and we were delighted to see the results.

  • Langley Burrell4
    Proposed Ground Floor Plan
  • Burrell Langley2
    Proposed Elevation
  • bbb
    Elevation Photograph
  • aaa
    Elevation Photograph
  • Millers
    Technical Plan
  • Langley Burrell
  • ccc
    Elevation Photograph
  • ddd
    Stable Photograph